Resources about Prophet
Muhammad (Peace Be Upon him)
In this Resource you will find many Books, Videos, Articles,
Lectures and other information about Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him). The
more you learn about Him, the more you love Him! Salalahu Alayhi wa Salam!. May
Allah help everyone to follow the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon
him). Insha Allah. Ameen.
Sunnah, literally means path. The Sunnah, in Islam, is the path which has
been laid down by the character, manners, ritual habits, deeds, example and
legislative actions of our beloved Prophet (Salalahu Alayhi wa Salam!). The
Sunnah of our Holy Prophet (Salalahu Alayhi wa Salam!) sets a perfect example
for anyone who wishes to draw close to Allah (Subhanahuwatala)
"Undoubtedly, you have the best in the following of the Messenger,
for him who yearns for Allah"
Quran (Surah 33: Verse 21)
"Say, If you love Allah, follow me, Allah will love you" Quran (Surah
3: Verse31)
Studying Seerah is Ibadah
Intro l
Seerah (Biography) Project of Muhammad (PBUH)
The Prophet, Your Best Ideal in Life
Characteristics & Properties of the Prophet's
Muhammad the Man; Great in Everything
The Jurisprudence of the Prophet's Biography
The Scientific Method in Representing the Prophet's
Characters and Features.
Muhammad (P.B.U.H) Characters
Love Of God
Indifference To The World
Natural Disposition
The Prophet In His House
Instinctive Sublimeness
Mildness, Courtesy and Forbearance
Mercy and Compassion
Behaviour Towards Children
Behaviour Towards Slaves
Behaviour Towards Women
Behaviour Towards Animals
Fair Dealings
Courage, Bravery
and Shyness
Fulfillment of
Honesty &
A Comprehensive
& Eternal Model
Read More..
The heart of every Muslim is filled with the love the last Prophet Muhammad
(SAWS) and the love of the Messenger of Allah is an asset for any Muslim. This
book a biography goes into the details of the lineage of the Prophet (SAWS) his
message, his jihad and his social interaction.
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Read More..
Read More..
Read More..
Read More..
Extract from book, ' There is no doubt that the prophet-hood of our prophet
Muhammad (saw) is one of two important tasks that the Muslim is carrying to
humanity. Muslims believe that to prove the prophet-hood of Muhammad (saw) is
one of many essential tasks in their religion; therefore, it is a compulsory
duty for Muslims to present this evidence and proof.
Rulings On
How to see Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him in DreamWatch
If you'd stand in front of the Prophet just one minute... What would you say
and what would be your gift? Watch
The Lives of the Prophets
The Lives of the Prophets" is a series of lectures delivered by Anwar Al-Awlaki. It is the first such series produced in the English language. The author has done extensive research in the original Arabic resources. The series is based primarily on Ibn Kathir¦s " Al-Bidayah wa-nihayah (The Beginning and the End)". Br. Al-Awlaki has done an excellent job of relying almost completely on the Quran, Hadith and statements of the Noble Companions.
Track 1 | Track 2 | Track 3 | Track 4 | Track 5 | Track 6 | Track 7 | Track 8 | Track 9
Muhammad (Peace Be Upon him)
In this Resource you will find many Books, Videos, Articles,
Lectures and other information about Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him). The
more you learn about Him, the more you love Him! Salalahu Alayhi wa Salam!. May
Allah help everyone to follow the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon
him). Insha Allah. Ameen.
Sunnah, literally means path. The Sunnah, in Islam, is the path which has
been laid down by the character, manners, ritual habits, deeds, example and
legislative actions of our beloved Prophet (Salalahu Alayhi wa Salam!). The
Sunnah of our Holy Prophet (Salalahu Alayhi wa Salam!) sets a perfect example
for anyone who wishes to draw close to Allah (Subhanahuwatala)
"Undoubtedly, you have the best in the following of the Messenger,
for him who yearns for Allah"
Quran (Surah 33: Verse 21)
"Say, If you love Allah, follow me, Allah will love you" Quran (Surah
3: Verse31)
Studying Seerah is Ibadah
Intro l
Seerah (Biography) Project of Muhammad (PBUH)
:: Why do we Study the Prophet’s Biography?::
He is the Practical Image of IslamThe Prophet, Your Best Ideal in Life
Characteristics & Properties of the Prophet's
Muhammad the Man; Great in Everything
The Jurisprudence of the Prophet's Biography
The Scientific Method in Representing the Prophet's
:: Muhammad (PBUH) Character ::
This section allows you to have a glimpse of The Prophet's (Peace Be UponHim)
Characters and Features.
Muhammad (P.B.U.H) Characters
Love Of God
Indifference To The World
Natural Disposition
The Prophet In His House
Instinctive Sublimeness
Mildness, Courtesy and Forbearance
Mercy and Compassion
Behaviour Towards Children
Behaviour Towards Slaves
Behaviour Towards Women
Behaviour Towards Animals
Fair Dealings
Courage, Bravery
and Shyness
Fulfillment of
Honesty &
A Comprehensive
& Eternal Model
Muhammad (PBUH) Biography - FULL LIST
Muhammad (PBUH) Relations - FULL LIST
1000 Sunnah per Day & Night - FULL LIST
The Prophet as a Husband - FULL LIST
:: Books ::
The Calamity of the Prophet's Death
Muhammad As If You Can See Him
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Ar-Raheeq Al-Makhtum (The Sealed Nectar)
The heart of every Muslim is filled with the love the last Prophet Muhammad
(SAWS) and the love of the Messenger of Allah is an asset for any Muslim. This
book a biography goes into the details of the lineage of the Prophet (SAWS) his
message, his jihad and his social interaction.
Sirat Ibn Hisham
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Provisions for the Hereafter (Zaad Al-Ma'ad)
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The letters of the Prophet Muhammad
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Fiqh us-Seerah
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Healing with the Medicine of the Prophet
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Promised Prophet of the Bible
Extract from book, ' There is no doubt that the prophet-hood of our prophet
Muhammad (saw) is one of two important tasks that the Muslim is carrying to
humanity. Muslims believe that to prove the prophet-hood of Muhammad (saw) is
one of many essential tasks in their religion; therefore, it is a compulsory
duty for Muslims to present this evidence and proof.
:: Seeing Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him in Dream ::
Rulings On
How to see Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him in DreamWatch
If you'd stand in front of the Prophet just one minute... What would you say
and what would be your gift? Watch
The Life of the Prophet Muhammad (Makkan Period)This 16 CD set is an outstanding collection of inspirational talks that introduces the life of Prophet Muhammad, the greatest human being to walk the face of the earth. In these talks, Imam Anwar al-Awlaki, author of the best selling series, The Lives of the Prophets, eloquently presents the Makkan period of the Prophet's life in a detailed manner, deriving valuable lessons from it and thus making it relevant to our modern times. The series is primarily based on Ibn Kathir's book on the Sirah. Some of the topics discussed include: The History of the Kabah, Muhammad in the Bible, The Call to Near Kin, The Islam of Hamzah, The Year of Grief, Lessons from the Trip to al-Taif and much more.
The Life of Muhammed - Madinah Part IIThis set of lectures is the third and last part of “The Life of Muhammad (saaws)”. This set covers the last five years of the life of the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad (saaws) from the fifth year of Hijra to the tenth. It includes the important events of the truce of Hudaybiyyah, the battle of Khaibar, the battle of Mu’tah, the conquest of Makkah, the battle of Hunain, the battle of Tabuk and finally the passing away of the seal of the Prophets. |
The Lives of the Prophets
The Lives of the Prophets" is a series of lectures delivered by Anwar Al-Awlaki. It is the first such series produced in the English language. The author has done extensive research in the original Arabic resources. The series is based primarily on Ibn Kathir¦s " Al-Bidayah wa-nihayah (The Beginning and the End)". Br. Al-Awlaki has done an excellent job of relying almost completely on the Quran, Hadith and statements of the Noble Companions.
Track 1 | Track 2 | Track 3 | Track 4 | Track 5 | Track 6 | Track 7 | Track 8 | Track 9
The Man They Loved
Tearful Moments of the Prophet's Life
The Teaching Methods Of Muhammad
:: MOVIES ::
The Message - The Story of Islam
DownloadMuhammad Legacy Of A Prophet