[Praise be to Allaah.]
CHECKED AND APPROVED BY Allama Ibtisam Elahi Zaheer,
CHECKED AND APPROVED BY Allama Ibtisam Elahi Zaheer,
QURAN - Interpretation is Sunnah And Hadith
Quran was revealed on Holy prophet salal laho aliehi wasalam. It was he (saw) who elaborated meanings of Holy Quran .Any ambiguity in meanings of Quran can only be determined by sayings of Holy Prophet (saw). No opinion related to interpretation of Quran can supersede sayings of Holy prophet. Anyone who wants to interpret Quran with his wisdom and detaches or ignores hadith and sunnah is indeed on wrong path.
If someone says that who delegated the authority of interpretation to Rasool salal laho aliehi wasalam the answer is that Quran itself has clearly delegated this authority to Rasool salal laho aliehi wasalam .There are many verses which address this issue clearly.
An important thing to be remembered is that an authentic hadith is never against holy Quran rather it explains Holy Quran.
General logical Questions for those who donot believe in authority of Sunnah in Shariah:
1. How you offer salah from Quran only?
If you are going to answer that it is offered in similar manner as it was being offered in times of previous prophets (AS)
Then face encounter answer is:
All the recitations of our salah are absolultely different from the salahs in old shariah.We recite Quran in Qayam.We recite durood shareef in Tashahhud and similarly many more differences. This style is transferred through Rasool salal laho aliehi wasalam not through other prophets
2. In which month should we do hajj and qurbani from Quran Only.?
3. Allah says that months of Hajj are determined and specified where is that specific information?Is it in Quran or in hadith.Surely information is in hadith which tells that Shawwal Zeeqad and Zilhajj are months of Hajj and Hajj specifically is being done between 8 Zilhajj and 12 or 13 Zilhajj
Even the style of Hajj and UMRAH is totally different from Hajj and UMRAH of jahiliyyah. Rasool salal laho aliehi wasalam is the only source of inspiration for us in these matters.
4. What to do with zakat where the amount of zakat is mentioned in Quran so when Quran says give zakat where is the answer??Answer is indeed in Hadith and Sunnah
5. Quran curses Abu Lahab but it is to be noted that who was abu lahab and what is the subject of Surah lahab and why abu lahab is cursed by Allah swt.Indeed these answers are found in books of hadith and Sunnah.
An interesting example
In this regard is that of Rajam which is an additional penalty for married zanis mentioned in hadith where as Quran only mentions 100 lashes. Hadith limits punishment of 100 lashes for unmarried zanis only.
All Faqeehs(Interpretors) and Mohaddiseen(specialist of Hadith and sunnah) are convinced that rajam is for married culprits. So why the collective wisdom of Ummah goes in favour of the assumption that hadith can modify,restrict or interpret verses of Quran
Therefore, Quran alone cannot be understood and acted upon without hadith. Sunnah and hadith is the practical application of Quran and anyone who wants to detach hadith from Quran will be in confusion and will confuse others too
As, Many commands other than Quran have been issued by Rasool sala laho aliehi wasalam and there are many acts from which he has forbidden .So it proves that he was well aware of the fact that he was appointed from Allah to do so .
To say prophet was not delegated authority to make laws is not in accordance with many established verses of Quran.
For example
Quran (Surah Anaam:144) has declared four things as haram 1. pig 2. dead animal 3. blood poured forth 4. what is salughtered in the name of some one other than Allah. Where as Rasool salal laho aliehi wasalam declared cat dogs domestic donkeys ,beasts and many other things as haram .If we falsely believe in Quran as only law how can we declare donkeys cats and dogs as haram.Indeed we need hadith as law besides Quran
Again reminder