Some important points related to right religion Islam:

Allama Ibtisam Elahi Zaheer:

Dear brothers and sisters I want to share with all of you some important points related to right religion Islam:

1 Islam was completed during time period of Rasool salal laho aliehi wasalam

2 Islam is based on two sacred documents i.e Quran and Sunnah.
3 Nothing can be added and subtracted from Islam after the life time of Rasool salal laho aliehi wasalam.

4 It is duty of Iman, Ulemas and preacher to preach deen in real sense .They have no authority to add or subtract any thing to or from deen.

5 In any situation when there is silence in Quran and sunnah Ulemas and scholars can do Ijtehad to resolve the problem.

6 Ijtehad of ulemas is by no means a concrete reality like verse of Quran and hadith of Rasool salal laho aliehi wasalam.A previous Ijtehad can be reviewed when it is observed that stronger arguments and evidences exist against previous ijtehad.

7 In case of affairs decided by Allah swt and His Rasool salal laho aliehi waslaam we as Muslims are bound to follow them and we cannot revisit and review those affairs in name of Ijtehad

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