Does Work Keep You Busy? (Hadith No. 1772)

Volume 3, Book 34, Number 277:
Narrated 'Ubai bin 'Umar:
Abu Musa (radiallaahu `anhu) asked Umar (radiallaahu `anhu) to admit him but he was not admitted as 'Umar (radiallaahu `anhu) was busy, so Abu Musa (radiallaahu `anhu) went back. When 'Umar finished his job he said, "Didn't I hear the voice of 'Abdullah bin Qais (radiallaahu `anhu)? Let him come in." 'Umar (radiallaahu `anhu) was told that he had left. So, he sent for him and on his arrival, he (Abu Musa) said, "We were ordered to do so (i.e. to leave if not admitted after asking permission thrice). 'Umar (radiallaahu `anhu) told him, "Bring witness in proof of your statement." Abu Musa (radiallaahu `anhu) went to the Ansar's meeting places and asked them. They said, "None amongst us will give this witness except the youngest of us, Abu Said Al-Khudri (radiallaahu `anhu). Abu Musa then took Abu Said Al-Khudri (radiallaahu `anhu) (to 'Umar) and 'Umar (radiallaahu `anhu) said, surprisingly, "Has this order of Allah's Apostle (sallallaahu `alayhi wasallam) been hidden from me?" (Then he added), "I used to be busy trading in markets."
Umar (radiallaahu `anhu) admitted that he was unaware of that statement of the Prophet (sallallaahu `alayhi wasallam) because his trade used to keep him busy. He didn't have enough time to spend in the company of Allah's Apostle (sallallaahu `alayhi wasallam) and increase his knowledge like some other Companions did, for example Abu Huraira (radiallaahu `anhu).
Isn't this the case with many of us today? Something or the other keeps us away from increasing our knowledge about Islam, be it studies, work or whatever else. While it's not wrong to be busy with this stuff, one must try their level best to take out time for Deen as well. Depending on your situation and circumstances, you MUST be involved in some sort of Islamic classes or courses. If weekdays are busy, join weekend classes. If commuting is an issue, study online. There are a lot of options nowadays and you know you don't have an excuse to not study Islam anymore. Take action now. Yes, Umar (radiallaahu `anhu) didn't have as much knowledge of the Hadith as Abu Huraira (radiallaahu `anhu) so to speak, but he didn't become the second caliph for no reason. Get it?

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