Combat Kit Against Bible Thumpers
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Combat Kit Against Bible Thumpers
Congregation of Two (Ahadith 665-667)
Congregation of Two (Ahadith 665-667)
Hadith no. 664 is a repeat. Read it here.
Narrated Ibn 'Abbas:
Once I passed the night in the house of my aunt Maimuna. Allah's Apostle offered the 'Isha' prayer and then came to the house and offered four Rakat an slept. Later on, he woke up and stood for the prayer and I stood on his left side. He drew me to his right and prayed five Rakat and then two. He then slept till I heard him snoring (or heard his breath sounds). Afterwards he went out for the morning prayer.
Narrated Ibn 'Abbas:
One night I slept at the house of (my aunt) Maimuna and the Prophet was there on that night. He performed ablution and stood up for the prayer. I joined him and stood on his left side but he drew me to his right and prayed thirteen Rakat and then slept till I heard his breath sounds. And whenever he slept, he used to breathe with audible sounds. The Mu'adhdhin came to the Prophet and he went out and prayed the morning prayer) without repeating the ablution.
Narrated Ibn 'Abbas:
Once I passed the night in the house of my aunt Maimuna. The Prophet stood for the night prayer and I joined him and stood on his left side but he drew me to his right by holding me by the head.
- If only two persons are offering Salah in congregation, the follower will be on the right side of the Imaam in the same line.
- The Salah of neither would be invalid if the follower stood on the left side of the Imaam and the Imaam drew him to his right side.
- If the Imaam has not had the intention of the leading the prayer and then someone joins him, he can lead him in the prayer. Which suggests that niyyah (intention) of Salah can be changed during Salah.
Biography of Abdullah Ibn Al-Mubarak
Biography of Abdullah Ibn Al-Mubarak
Biography of Abdullah Ibn Al-Mubarak
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Imaam's Mistake (Hadith No. 663)
Imaam's Mistake (Hadith No. 663)
Narrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said, "If the Imam leads the prayer correctly then he and you will receive the rewards, but if he makes a mistake (in the prayer) then you will receive the reward for the prayer and the sin will be his."
If the Imaam makes a mistake during Salah, you won't be punished for it. Politely correct the Imaam for his mistake after Salah. He's a human, he forgets too. But don't charge off announcing that everybody's Salah will be void because of the one mistake the Imaam made.
Principles and Jurisprudence of the School of Imam Shafi'ee
Principles and Jurisprudence of the School of Imam Shafi'ee
Principles and Jurisprudence of the School of Imam Shafi'ee
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Can A Slave Lead The Prayer? (Ahadith 661-662)
Can A Slave Lead The Prayer? (Ahadith 661-662)
Imaam Bukhari says:
A`ishah (RA) was led in the Salat (prayer) by her slave Dhakwan who used to recite from the Mushaf [the written Qur'an (not from memory)]. Can an intelligent boy, a Bedouin or a boy who has not reached the age of puberty lead the Salat? (It is permissible according to) the statement of the Prophet (SAW) that the Imaam should be a person who knows the Qur'an more than the others.
Narrated Ibn 'Umar:
When the earliest emigrants came to Al-'Usba a place in Quba', before the arrival of the Prophet, Salim - the slave of Abu Hudhaifa - who knew the Qur'an more than the others, used to lead them in prayer.
Narrated Anas:
The Prophet said, "Listen and obey (your chief) even if an Ethiopian whose head is like a raisin were made your chief."
It's not wealth or status or lineage that makes a person worthy of leadership. Rather it's knowledge, wisdom and intellect. And once someone has been appointed leader over you, you have to obey him regardless of his age, wealth, appearance, lineage etc. Only when he asks you to do something against Allah's laws, can you defy him.
110 Ahadith Qudsi (Sacred Ahadith)
110 Ahadith Qudsi (Sacred Ahadith)
110 Ahadith Qudsi (Sacred Ahadith)
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Head of a Donkey (Hadith No. 660)
Head of a Donkey (Hadith No. 660)
Narrated Abu Huraira:
The Prophet said, "Isn't he who raises his head before the Imam afraid that Allah may transform his head into that of a donkey or his figure (face) into that of a donkey?"
Isn't he afraid? There was a man we get to know about, who challenged this Hadith. He raised his head before the Imaam intentionally during prayer, and Allah turned his face into that of a donkey (or somewhat similar to it). Later on, he repented. [Can't find a historic reference for this incidence. Let me know if you can help with it. Jzk.]
Anyway, the lesson here is: 'follow' your Imaam. Wait for him to make his move, and then repeat after him. During Salah, wait for the Imaam to say his takbeer, change his position, and then change yours. 'Kay? :)
How Do I Know if I Married the Right Person ?
How Do I Know if I Married the Right Person ?
How Do I Know if I Married the Right Person ?
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Guarding the Tongue -Imam An-Nawawwi
Guarding the Tongue -Imam An-Nawawwi
Guarding the Tongue
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PART 2- Who have understanding of deen and Good conduct?
PART 2- Who have understanding of deen and Good conduct?
Link to part 1
What is Al-Birrr(Piety, Righteousness)(In Urdu ,Naiki)?
Answer :
Sahih Muslim ,Book 32, Number 6195:
Nawwas bin Sim'an al-Ansiri reported: I asked Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) about Al-Birr(Righteousness) and Al-Ithm(Evil).He (may peace be upon him) said,"Al-Bir (piety and righteousness) entails good conduct, while Al-Ithm (sin) is what rankles in your heart and that you disapprove that people should come to know of it,"
"Al-Bir (piety and righteousness) entails good conduct", The word used to describe Al-Birr was "Husnu-khulq".Righteousness is to adopt the good character.
How to learn Good characters?
Answer by Ibn-e-Hajar
Question : Tell Us Of A Person Resembling The
Prophet (Conduct & Appearance)?
Answer : Narrated ‘Abdur-Rahman bin Yazid (R.A): We asked Hudhaifa (R.A) to tell us of a person resembling (to some extent) the Prophet (Peace be Upon Him) in good appearance and straight forward behavior so that we may learn from him (good manners and acceptable conduct).
Hudhaifa (R.A) replied, “I do not know anybody resembling the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) (to some extent) in appearance and conduct more than Ibn Um ‘Abd.”
Companions of the Prophet – Sahih Bukhari: Volume 5, Book 57, Number 106
Abu Hurairah(R.A)narrated : Allah's Messenger (Peace be upon Him)said, "Indeed I was sent to complete the best of character." (Sahih Bukhari , Kitab ul Adab wal Mufrad :273)
It means Prophet (Peace be upon Him) had good character in him and he was sent to teach those to People.
Abu Hurairah (R.A) narrated: Allah's Messenger (Peace be upon him) said," The most complete of believers in Iman (Faith) are those who are best in Character." (Abu Dawud ,Kitab-Us-Sunnah: 4682)
Abu Darda (R.A) narrated : I heard Allah's Messenger (Peace be upon him) say," Nothing will be placed in the balance heavier than good conduct, and a person with good conduct will attain the rank of one who fasts and prays." (At-Trimidhi, Kitab Al-Birr Wa-Seela : 2003)
Abu Dharr (R.A) narrated : Allah's Messenger (Peace Be Upon Him) said to me, "Fear Allah where ever you are, and follow a bad deed with a good deed it will wipe it out, and behave with people with good conduct." (At-Tirmidhi,Kitab-UL-Bir-Was-seela : 1987)
Abu Dawud ,Book 41, Number 4782:
Narrated AbuUmamah:
The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: I guarantee a house in the surroundings of Paradise for a man who avoids quarrelling even if he were in the right, a house in the middle of Paradise for a man who avoids lying even if he were joking, and a house in the upper part of Paradise for a man who made his character good.
Allah mentions the polite and soft-hearted conduct of Prophet in Sural- A'al Imran Ayah 158,
" And by the Mercy of Allah, you dealt with them gently. And had you been severe and harsh-hearted, they would have broken away from about you; so pass over (their faults), and ask (Allah's) Forgiveness for them; and consult them in the affairs. Then when you have taken a decision, put your trust in Allah, certainly, Allah loves those who put their trust (in Him)."
Question : How can we have good conduct with our family?
Answer : It's not giving smiles, speaking few lovely words, and other things which mostly people do.It's what ALLAH set standard of in Surah At-Tahrim Ayah 6,
" O you who believe! Ward off from yourselves and your families a Fire (Hell) whose fuel is men and stones, over which are (appointed) angels stern (and) severe, who disobey not, (from executing) the Commands they receive from Allah, but do that which they are commanded."
"ward off from yourselves and your families a Fire (Hell)", We must stop our families to walk on paths which lead to hell-fire and do much efforts to make them near to ALLAH and walk on His path to save them from hell-fire.
In sha ALLAH to be continued, with next Quality of Moomin ,"Understanding of deen".
Jazak Allah Khayr...
Spread the teachings of Prophet (Sallalahu A'lyhe wasalam).
Taken from :Tawheed Online
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Who have understanding of deen and Husnay Khulq(Good conduct)? PART 1
Who have understanding of deen and Husnay Khulq(Good conduct)? PART 1
Abu Hurairah (R.A) narrated : Allah’s Messenger (Sallalahu A'lyhe wasalam) said, “Two characteristics are not found together in a hypocrite pleasant personality and understanding of deen.” (Tirmidhi : Kitab-ul-Ilm :2684)
Imam A’bdul Rehman Mubarak comments on this Hadith saying,“Prophet advised Mumin’s to link themselves with two Qualities and He stopped them from becoming like Munafiq, who have only one Quality and not the other”.
This means a Munafiq cannot have both qualities in him.Only one can exist, either “Understanding of deen”, or ” Good character/Pleasant personality(Husny-Akhlaq).If we want to follow the advise of Prophet than we must have both qualities. In sha ALLAH
Qualities of Mu’min : 1-Understanding of Deen 2- Good character.
Firstly, We shall discuss about “Good character”.There are lots of misconceptions about Good character in our society.People think giving smile to everyone(including Non mahram),manners which WE THINK ARE GOOD,eat which we like but wear what people like and caring for others when they visit your home is,”Good character”.Such people show goodness in-front of people but in their hearts they conceal hatred and suspicious.But , let us remind ourselves that we must not forget the standards and teachings set by Messenger of Allah.Let us remove this man made deen from Mind and learn from the teachings of Messenger of ALLAH,
“What Actually Good character(Husnay-Khulq) is”?
Ibn-e-Hajar explains that Good character means:
1- To find the ways of goodness (Khair).
2- To adopt the Seerah(life) of Saliheen(Righteous ).
3-Purify your inner and outer actions.
First Point :“To find the ways of goodness (Khair).”
It means to find good ways.For example : Going to Islamic school and seeking knowledge is the way of goodness which you found.
Second Point : “To adopt the Seerah(life) of Saliheen(Righteous )”.
Allah says in Surah Al-Qalam, Ayah 4 “. And verily, you (O Muhammad
) are on an exalted standard of character.”
The habits, Kalam, and Relations of Prophet are standard for us and not better than anyone.
How can we adopt the standard character of Prophet until or unless we donot study Seerah =)?
Third Point: “Purify your inner and outer actions”
This means whatever is in your heart must co-incide with outer actions.For example : Some people meet with each other and compliment or smile but at the back one of them backbite.This is not Husny Khulq that you meet with smile and love but at the back you eat the flesh of your brother.
Allah gives us a KEY to unlock the hearts which hurts you ,betrays you or is your enemy.In Surah Al -Mu’min Ayah 96,
“. Repel evil with that which is better. We are Best-Acquainted with the things they utter.”
Be good with the one who is evil and leave rest upon ALLAH because the evil person have to payback his words or actions on the day of judgement.
Allah explains more about this matter in Surah Fussilat Ayah 34,” The good deed and the evil deed cannot be equal. Repel (the evil) with one which is better (i.e. Allah ordered the faithful believers to be patient at the time of anger, and to excuse those who treat them badly), then verily! he, between whom and you there was enmity, (will become) as though he was a close friend.”
To be continued…………
Please share with everyone and let them know the standard of character.
Jazak Allah khayr.
Taken from : Tawheed Online
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When Should Those Who Are Behind The Imaam Prostrate? (Ahadith 658-659)
When Should Those Who Are Behind The Imaam Prostrate? (Ahadith 658-659)
Narrated Al-Bara' (and he was not a liar):
When Allah's Apostle said, "Sami`a-llahu liman hamidah " none of us bent his back (for prostrations) till the Prophet prostrated and then we would prostrate after him.
Narrated Abu Ishaq:
as above.
If you can see the Imaam in front of you, wait for him to change his position fully, and then change yours. Don't just follow the takbeers.
This Salah discipline teaches you life discipline as well. Always wait for your leader's signal before going about an action. It's called 'following'.
The Story of Barsisa
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The Story of Barsisa
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12 p. Funny or Sad - [Thought Provoking]
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Funny or Sad - [Thought Provoking]
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The Science of Hadith (Ahadith 656-657)
The Science of Hadith (Ahadith 656-657)
Narrated Aisha:
the mother of the believers: Allah's Apostle during his illness prayed at his house while sitting whereas some people prayed behind him standing. The Prophet beckoned them to sit down. On completion of the prayer, he said, 'The Imam is to be followed: bow when he bows, raise up your heads (stand erect) when he raises his head and when he says, 'Sami a-l-lahu liman-hamida ' (Allah heard those who sent praises to Him) say then 'Rabbana wa laka-l-hamd' (O our Lord! All the praises are for You), and if he prays sitting then pray sitting."
The provision of this Hadith has been abrogated by the last action of the Prophet (SAW). See next Hadith.
Narrated Anas bin Malik:
Once Allah's Apostle rode a horse and fell down and the right side (of his body) was injured. He offered one of the prayers while sitting and we also prayed behind him sitting. When he completed the prayer, he said, "The Imam is to be followed. Pray standing if he prays standing and bow when he bows; rise when he rises; and if he says, 'Sami a-l-lahu-liman hamida, say then, 'Rabbana wa Lakal-hamd' and pray standing if he prays standing, and pray sitting (all of you) if he prays sitting."
Humaid said: The saying of the Prophet "Pray sitting, if he (Imam) prays sitting" was said in his former illness (during his early life) but the Prophet prayed sitting afterwards (in the last illness) and the people were praying standing behind him and the Prophet did not order them to sit. We should follow the latest actions of the Prophet.
Similar Hadith has been covered before. Read here.
Here's when we realize how important knowledge of Hadith is. The sciences of Hadith. It's quite a vast subject, I must say. Just to give you an example from `Ilm-ur-Rijaal: a Hadith has two parts: the chain of narrators (sanad) and the text (matn). Chain of narrators in Imaam Bukhari's time usually had 3-6 narrators. In order for a Hadith to be claimed Saheeh (authentic), it's important to check each narrator's `aqeedah, character, scholars' opinion about them, memory etc. Imaam Bukhari used to check each narrator for each Hadith, and when he was sure that each narrator was an honest, reliable person having a good memory etc., only then would he include the Hadith in his book. Imagine! He did the same check for more than 7000 Ahadith! O_O
This is just a tiny bit. There's a LOT more to what we call `Ulum-ul-Hadith.
More on Hadith Sciences here.
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