Travelling is Torture (Hadith No. 1554)

Volume 3, Book 27, Number 31:
Narrated Abu Huraira (radiallaahu `anhu):
The Prophet (sallallaahu `alayhi wasallam) said, "Traveling is a kind of torture as it prevents one from eating, drinking and sleeping properly. So, when one's needs are fulfilled, one should return quickly to one's family."
It's a coincidence that I'm travelling at the moment, and I love such coincidences. Moreover, these words of the Prophet (sallallaahu `alayhi wasallam) resonate with my current situation. (LOL!)
No matter how comfortable your travelling is, it's always tiring. One way or the other, your food and sleep get disturbed. And Alhamdulillah for Islam, we're given relaxations in prayer and fasting during travel. It makes it so much easier, and I'm sure you'll agree with me.
Side note: I'm travelling with my family in order to visit relatives and get some other stuff done. We planned the time of our return this morning only. And when I read this Hadith a while ago, I sort of streamlined my intention. You see, I could just return to my hometown because I need to return, or I could return to my hometown thinking I'm obeying the Prophet (sallallaahu `alayhi wasallam). His words:
So, when one's needs are fulfilled, one should return quickly to one's family.
Difference is, the former gets me relief from torture, but I get relief and reward for the latter inshaAllah. And I, for one, am extremely greedy (for reward). ;)

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