Slaughter the Animals for Sacrifice Yourself (Hadith No. 1470)

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 770:
Narrated Sahl bin Bakkar:
The narration of Anas (radiallaahu `anhu) abridged, saying, "The Prophet (sallallaahu `alayhi wasallam) slaughtered seven Budn (camels) while standing, with his own hands. On the day of 'Id-ul-Adha he slaughtered (sacrificed) two horned rams, black and white in color.
  1. It's Sunnah to slaughter your animal of sacrifice yourself. If you don't want to do the whole thing, at least slit the throat (for goat/sheep/cow etc.).
  2. Although one sheep (or 1/7th of a cow or camel) is enough for one man and his family, there's no limit to the maximum amount of animals you may slaughter. The more, the better. Keep some for yourself and your family, and give the rest as sadaqah. More on it here.
  3. Prophet (sallallaahu `alayhi wasallam) was so strong mashaAllah! Imagine slaughtering seven camels in one go. :O
    It takes a lot of strength! You'd know if you've seen a camel being slaughtered. If not, YouTube/Google it.

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