So Much Charity (Hadith No. 1476)

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 776:
Narrated 'Ali (radiallaahu `anhu):
The Prophet (sallallaahu `alayhi wasallam) offered one hundred Budn as Hadi and ordered me to distribute their meat (in charity) and I did so. Then he ordered me to distribute their covering sheets in charity and I did so. Then he ordered me to distribute their skins in charity and I did so.
100 camels. Their meat, skins, everything was given in charity. Unbelievable! Who would do that?!
If you think about it, one camel can suffice seven families. So he gave in charity what would've been enough for 700 families (they would divide it further for use at home and giving in charity). He gave it all away. SubhanAllah, what a wise man! He always preferred the `aysh (life) of the Aakhirah over this life. And what is charity but a ticket to Jannah?
You possess only what will not be lost in a shipwreck.
As for the fiqh of it, we've already discussed in one of the previous posts that portions for charity/family etc. are not fixed for sacrificial animals. Ratio can be varied according to need.

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